Platforms preferred by Romanians, just ahead of the Amazon platform. Why do Romanians buy online and how do they pay Among the main reasons why Romanians buy online are saving time (85%), avoiding the stress of shopping in traditional stores (70%) and the opportunity to save (69%). At the same time, the arguments of those who do not buy online are: they want to see the products before the purchase (64%), they do not trust.
That they will receive what they order (55%), they are afraid that the delivery fees are too high (50% ) and don't know how to order online (15%). Also , there are many people who do not order online because they cannot find complete product information, images, descriptions or reviews Job Function Email List for the products. Regarding the preferred payment method, cash on delivery is still the most used (31%), followed by online payment by debit.

Credit card (26%), digital and mobile wallet (23%), bank transfer (19 %) and other methods. Made with the aim of educating and supporting the ecommerce market in Romania, eBook eCommerce Growth Strategies is a complex report containing over 90 tested strategies and recommendations for increasing online sales, from 24 experts in ecommerce, online promotion and brand communication , technologies for ecommerce, design.