For such violation of the rules and the use of parsers, the channel can be blocked along with the creator’s nickname. Anonymous Technician: I have a bad experience. I accidentally met the developers of software for Telegram and ended up in their chat. We talked for a while, then they gave me an admin account, but I didn’t do anything through it. A little later, Telegram punished everyone - it deleted the accounts of everyone who had admins. I lost everything - contacts, dialogues and a token to a bot that had about 3,000 users. It was not possible to restore all this. In addition, the user himself may not like such an invitation.
The minimum that can happen is that the potential client will be removed from the channel. But he may leave the channel with a scandal: write angry comments; instruct a lot of negative emoji; complain about violation of Telegram rules; report spam to Telegram Web Development Services technical support. The user will draw his own conclusions about the company. And if he didn’t want to end up in the canal, but ended up, this could make him very angry. For example, he may never use the brand’s products again and tell everyone he knows that the company deceives users into its channels. This, of course, is not the most popular scenario, but it may well happen.

You can learn how to develop in the messenger and achieve the desired results without illegal methods in the “Promotion in Telegram” course. During the course, you will learn how to prepare suitable content for your niche, promote your channel using different methods, create and implement bots, monetize channels and prepare sales funnels. And all this is safe and simple. Safe parsers and services Among the services that can be found on the Internet, we have collected only a couple, for the use of which the likelihood of blocking is minimal or non-existent.