The topic. There is no direct filtering of interests in social networks. The more actions a user performs in the feed, the more accurate and diverse the recommendations become. What to do to get smart feeds to notice your posts without clickbait. Wrong users expect low coverage; don't use cheats. The algorithm can see everything; only publish the author's material; post regularly; attract users. Engagement with your content is the foundation of success. IMPORTANT.
Officials say they will not reduce the reach of posts with links to third-party last database resources. affects friends (possible friends). Friends of friends. Mutual friends. Live in the same school. Get the same attention from people you have interacted with. Community Recommendations Community Recommendation buttons from friends Related topics from your favorite groups Friends Community Music Get other users Similar music.
Tastes Similar styles and author clips How the algorithm works here is not very clear. According to the official statement the algorithm will adapt to the videos you get interacted with. In fact the algorithm will ignore you and reset. Recommendation system: We divide recommendations into three condition types: home page recommendation; tab trend. Videos that the homepage algorithm thinks are interesting to the user will go to the homepage. These can be videos.